Knowledge center

Do you have open questions? We have the answers. Search our knowledge center or get in touch for personal assistance.

General Questions

Explore our collection of frequently asked questions about Akina Cloud and our company.

Data & Privacy

Do you want to know more about data privacy at Akina? Look no further.

Exercise & Physiotherapy

Exercise and physiotherapy are essential for recovery after an illness, accident or operation. Find out more in the following questions and answers.


Our software product Akina Cloud is a new approach to physiotherapy. Find out everything you need to know about it here.

Use of Akina Care

Do you need more guidance on how to use Akina Care? Then you've come to the right place:

You still have open questions?

Please reach out to us and we'll answer your individual questions within 24 hours.

Better begins today.

Stay connected to your physical therapist and committed to getting better while exercising at home with Akina.

Akina Logo

At Akina, we believe in the power of connecting patients and physiotherapists beyond the clinic. Together, we can pave the path to better and beyond by guiding every move.

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